Ogden Utah Family Photographer | Mantua Poppy Fields | The Krum Family


The Mantua poppy fields are an extremely popular photography spot for Northern Utah. People travel from all around Northern Utah to grab a session here. They start blooming early June and only last for a couple of weeks. While I absolutely love those bright orange poppies, I also have a deep love for the yellow wildflowers that are in the field across from the poppy field. People are often surprised to find out about these wildflowers. They aren’t often talked about. But they are GORGEOUS!

The Krum family is such a blast to hang out with. I always look forward to a session with them because they constantly keep me laughing. Their little boy isn’t usually a big fan of the camera and makes you work a bit to get him to crack a smile. But candid photos are always some of my most favorite! While I love capturing a few good posed shots that are frame and Christmas card worthy, my heart lies with the candid moments. I love to let families play and interact in their own ways. It allows everyone’s personality to really pop through. And isn’t that the point of photography? To remember moments and how your kids played and what their personality was like at that moment in time? Take a peek at this beautiful wildflower session. And let’s book your own family session soon!

Interested in booking a family session? I’d love to work with you! To schedule your session, click here. To view pricing and packages, click here.


Ogden Utah Family Photographer

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